Before I start, I want to mention that I started exploring this topic when I started working in the Internet Marketing field. As a Christian, I think a lot about digital evangelism, especially during COVID-19.
So I have a lot to say to you.
So, from the beginning, I’ll share what I already on the field of Digital evangelism.
1. Digital Evangelism by Search Ads
First, my attempt at digital evangelism is search advertising on th phrase “what is the sentence of life?”. After clicking on its ads, visitors go to the page where there are video testimonies of the different people who hound Jesus.
The targeted page contains testimonies about how peoples try to find a sense of life on “money”, “fame”, “health”, “hedonism”, but fail with life and find salvation in Jesus.
As a next step of this approach, I tried to promote this page on onganic Google results (SEO), but at that time, it was too competitive for me. I go only Top-30 position by the phrase ”what is the sense of life”
2. Digital evangelism by Creation Christian Social/local website.
I live in Ukrainian Cuty Chercassey. 10 years ago, I started studying Christian Journalistics at Donetsk Christian University. Now, this territory was occupied by Russia, so I did not complete my education in this field )
However, I got the inspiration to create a local Christian website.
The idea was to create a local Christian website with useful local news, especially on social and charity topics. So a lot of local sitizend did not know that Christians did a lot of charity and social work.
Therefore, I created such a website. The inspiration for the creation of such a website is Jesus words
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven Matthew 5:16
When people see the good deeds of Christians, they glorify God! What goal could be better for Christians?
I also publish some secular news, so the website is relevant and useful for non-Christian audiences.
The website is https://cherkasu.com/, and the Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/4erkasuplus
Here is how, in my opinion, Matthew 5:16 could work on Facebook 🙂
I post on Facebook about some charity actions, I add hashtag https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=do_good_cherkasy, and Bible verses about good deeds – backlink to post.
My most successful case is to publish a post about a young man with a disability in need. The post got 1,8K shares; users sent money to this guy’s card, and it helped him to change his life.
3 Digital evangelism for the Сhurches
3.1 Proper Name of the Church
Some of such upproaches I implemented on my сhristian website. So it will perfectly work for Churches.
By the “proper” name of the church, a non means Brand name like “Grace”, or “Gateway” but also adds the city, maybe County/Neighborhood.
Ewen if your city is quite big with lots of churches, for guests it could be hard to find a church. So, make a name for your church website, “Grace Church in Ausburu,” so city guests can easily find a church on Google.
I know a woman who believes in God and accepts Jesus only by reading the Bible and then found a local Church by Google to join it and got Baptized.
I am very grateful for One Czech Church, which helps Ukrainian refugees by creating a Ukrainian version of the church website so refugees can easily find churches in the Czech Republic.
3.2 Create a page (support group) for people in crisis
The Bible says that it is difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven, but people who suffer are more open to God.
I think that each church could use this opportunity to create/optimize website pages for certain keywords. The person who types this query is suffering. And it is not known what he can do if he does not find help.
For example
The word near me, Google Interpret the next way. If you name the page “Support group for abuse in Austin”, for all Austin searchers, you will be in the first place.
3.3 Creating content from a biblical perspective
A large group of key questions when people (often, I think, non-believers) are interested in what the Bible says on this or that topic.
And it is very important that when typing such a request, a person gets to a Christian site.
Because if someone types “what the Bible says about death / suicide”. The visitor can get to the site, where the author can add his interpretation that suicide is not so scary if you have difficult life circumstances. And in general, there are examples of suicides in the Bible.
In addition to such sensitive topics, people are interested in many other situations in the light of the Word of God.
Perhaps such a person will never come to church but may find the answer on your church’s website.
3.4 Facebook Ads for Church Planting
I had a chat with yesHEis (they have great content for digital evangelism) missionaries, and hi told me a case on founding the church using Facebook Ads.
A group of young Christians from the city of Odesa in Ukraine posted an ad inviting young people to watch and discuss films.
After meeting regularly, this team of Christians established a church.
That’s it, the budget for starting a church is Facebook advertising + a few dollars for popcorn.
3.5 Embed the Bible on the Church website
I think it is a good idea to embed and add an Online Bible to your church website. Since my team managed to create an online bible in more than 10 languages, we could do it for your website.
In social networks, in the comments, you can share the word of God and at the same time, give a link to the website of the local church.
4 Digital evangelism with Targeted Facebook Ads
1. I once advertised a museum exhibition of paintings by a local Christian artist. At the exhibition, he presented his works and explained their Christian meaning.
2. For a long time, I advertised the evangelization program of the Ukrainian campus for Christ.
One of the programs that I advertised was “Who am I ?”. For those people who responded to the advertisement and submit the form, special online meetings were held to help understand the world view, then unobtrusively show that the most important meaning of life is in Jesus Christ.
3. I also liked to advertise events when all the churches of the city united to organize some charity?evangelical event city’s residents.
5. Evangelism by Christian presence on the Internet
If you are a Christian, maintaining a good social media account is the light on the mountain that Christ spoke of (Matthew 5:14-16)/
There was a time when I ran a professional blog, in the header of my blog there was a banner about the Meaning of Life. And when people clicked on this banner, they went to a page that
5. Digital Evangelism by Supporting people in crisis, initiating communication
Often, people share their thoughts on social networks, and publish suicidal quotes, memes, photos.
Such content is not published without a reason, which means that the person has certain problems.
I had the experience of initiating Christian conversations with people who shared certain spiritual problems.
But this task is not for the weak. This is where the real struggle for people’s souls begins, here you have to pray and fight.
talked about Salvation in Jesus Christ.
I plan to update this article
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