Genesis 6 ERV
5. The Lord saw that the people on the earth were very evil. He saw that they thought only about evil things all the time.
6. The Lord was sorry that he had made people on the earth. It made him very sad in his heart.
7. So the Lord said, “I will destroy all the people I created on the earth. I will destroy every person and every animal and everything that crawls on the earth. And I will destroy all the birds in the air, because I am sorry that I have made them.”
Noah and the Great Flood8. But Noah pleased the Lord.
9. This is the history of Noah’s family. He was a good man all his life, and he always followed God.
10. Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
13. So God said to Noah, “Everyone has filled the earth with anger and violence. So I will destroy all living things. I will remove them from the earth.
14. Use cypress wood and build a boat for yourself. Make rooms in the boat and cover it with tar inside and out.
15. “This is the size I want you to make the boat: 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high.
16. Make a window for the boat about 1 cubit below the roof. Put a door in the side of the boat. Make three floors in the boat: a top deck, a middle deck, and a lower deck.
17. “Understand what I am telling you. I will bring a great flood of water on the earth. I will destroy all living things that live under heaven. Everything on the earth will die.
18. I will make a special agreement with you. You, your wife, your sons, and their wives will all go into the boat.
19. Also, you will take two of every living thing on the earth with you into the boat. Take a male and female of every kind of animal so that they might survive with you.
20. Two of every kind of bird, animal, and creeping thing will come to you so that you might keep them alive.
21. Also bring every kind of food into the boat, for you and for the animals.”
22. Noah did everything God commanded him.