
26 LSV


1. In that day this song is sung in the land of Judah: “We have a strong city, he makes salvation for walls and bulwark.

2. Open the gates, that a righteous nation may enter, preserving steadfastness.

3. You keep him in peace whose imagination is stayed—peace! For he is confident in You.

4. Trust in YHWH forever, for in YAH—YHWH is a rock of ages,

5. For He bowed down the dwellers on high, a city set on high He makes low, he makes it low to the earth, he causes it to come to the dust,

6. A foot treads it down, feet of the poor—steps of the weak.

7. The path for the righteous is uprightness, o upright One, you ponder the path of the righteous.

8. Also, in the path of Your judgments, o YHWH, we have waited for You, to Your Name and to Your remembrance is the desire of the soul.

9. I desired You in the night with my soul, also, I seek You earnestly with my spirit within me, for when Your judgments are on the earth, the inhabitants of the world have learned righteousness.

10. The wicked finds favor, he has not learned righteousness, he deals perversely in a land of straightforwardness, and does not see the excellence of YHWH.

11. O YHWH, Your hand is high—they do not see, they see the zeal of the people, and are ashamed, also, the fire consumes Your adversaries.

12. O YHWH, You appoint peace to us, for You have also worked all our works for us.

13. O our God YHWH, lords have ruled us besides You, only, by You we make mention of Your Name.

14. Dead—they do not live, rephaim, they do not rise, therefore You have inspected and destroy them, indeed, you destroy all their memory.

15. You have added to the nation, O YHWH, you have added to the nation, you have been honored, you have put all the ends of the earth far off.

16. O YHWH, in distress they missed You, they have poured out a whisper, your discipline is on them.

17. When a pregnant woman comes near to the birth, she is pained—she cries in her pangs, so we have been from Your face, O YHWH.

18. We have conceived, we have been pained. We have brought forth, as it were, wind, we do not work salvation in the earth, nor do the inhabitants of the world fall.

19. Your dead live—My dead body, they rise. Awake and sing, you dwellers in the dust, for the dew of herbs is your dew, and you cause the land of Rephaim to fall.

20. Come, My people, enter into your inner chambers, and shut your doors behind you, hide yourself shortly for a moment until the indignation passes over.

21. For behold, YHWH is coming out of His place, to charge the iniquity of the inhabitant of the earth on him, and the earth has revealed her blood, nor does she cover her slain anymore!”
