
24 LSV


1. Do not be envious of evil men, and do not desire to be with them.

2. For their heart meditates on destruction, and their lips speak perverseness.

3. A house is built by wisdom, and it establishes itself by understanding.

4. And the inner parts are filled by knowledge, with all precious and pleasant wealth.

5. The wise is mighty in strength, and a man of knowledge is strengthening power,

6. For you make war for yourself by plans, and deliverance is in a multitude of counselors.

7. Wisdom is high for a fool, he does not open his mouth in the gate.

8. Whoever is devising to do evil, they call him a master of wicked thoughts.

9. The thought of folly is sin, and a scorner is an abomination to man.

10. You have showed yourself weak in a day of adversity, your power is restricted,

11. If from delivering those taken to death, and you take back those slipping to the slaughter.

12. When you say, “Behold, we did not know this.” Is the Ponderer of hearts not He who understands? And the Keeper of your soul He who knows? And He has rendered to man according to his work.

13. My son, eat honey that is good, and the honeycomb is sweet to your palate.

14. So is the knowledge of wisdom to your soul, if you have found that there is a posterity and your hope is not cut off.

15. Do not lay wait, O wicked one, at the habitation of the righteous. Do not spoil his resting place.

16. For the righteous fall and rise seven times, and the wicked stumble in evil.

17. Do not rejoice in the falling of your enemy, and do not let your heart be joyful in his stumbling,

18. Lest YHWH see, and it be evil in His eyes, and He has turned His anger from off him.

19. Do not fret yourself at evildoers, do not be envious at the wicked,

20. For there is not a posterity to the evil, the lamp of the wicked is extinguished.

21. Fear YHWH, my son, and the king, do not mix yourself up with changers,

22. For their calamity rises suddenly, and the ruin of them both—who knows!

23. These are also for the wise: It is not good to discern faces in judgment.

24. Whoever is saying to the wicked, “You are righteous,” peoples execrate him—nations abhor him.

25. And it is pleasant to those reproving, and a good blessing comes on them.

26. He who is returning straightforward words kisses lips.

27. Prepare your work in an out-place, and make it ready in the field—go afterward, then you have built your house.

28. Do not be a witness against your neighbor for nothing, or you have enticed with your lips.

29. Do not say, “As he did to me, so I do to him, i render to each according to his work.”

30. I passed by near the field of a slothful man, and near the vineyard of a man lacking heart.

31. And behold, it has gone up—all of it—thorns! Nettles have covered its face, and its stone wall has been broken down.

32. And I see—I set my heart, i have seen—I have received instruction,

33. A little sleep—a little slumber—A little folding of the hands to lie down.

34. And your poverty has come as a traveler, and your want as an armed man!
