
101 LSV


1. A PSALM OF DAVID. I sing kindness and judgment, to You, O YHWH, I sing praise.

2. I act wisely in a perfect way, when do You come to me? I habitually walk in the integrity of my heart, in the midst of my house.

3. I do not set a worthless thing before my eyes, i have hated the work of those turning aside, it does not adhere to me.

4. A perverse heart turns aside from me, i do not know wickedness.

5. Whoever slanders his neighbor in secret, him I cut off, the high of eyes and proud of heart, him I do not endure.

6. My eyes are on the faithful of the land, to dwell with me, whoever is walking in a perfect way, he serves me.

7. He who is working deceit does not dwell in my house, whoever is speaking lies is not established before my eyes.

8. At morning I cut off all the wicked of the land, to cut off from the city of YHWH all the workers of iniquity!
