
107 LSV


1. “Give thanks to YHWH, for He is good, for His kindness is for all time”:

2. Let the redeemed of YHWH say so, whom He redeemed from the hand of an adversary.

3. And has gathered them from the lands, from east and from west, from north, and from the sea.

4. They wandered in a wilderness, in a desert by the way, they have not found a city of habitation.

5. Hungry—indeed—thirsty, their soul becomes feeble in them,

6. And they cry to YHWH in their adversity, he delivers them from their distress,

7. And causes them to tread in a right way, to go to a city of habitation.

8. They confess to YHWH His kindness, and His wonders to the sons of men.

9. For He has satisfied a longing soul, and has filled a hungry soul with goodness.

10. Inhabitants of dark places and death-shade, prisoners of affliction and of iron,

11. Because they changed the saying of God, and despised the counsel of the Most High.

12. And He humbles their heart with labor, they have been feeble, and there is no helper.

13. And they cry to YHWH in their adversity, he saves them from their distresses.

14. He brings them out from the dark place, and death-shade, and He draws away their bands.

15. They confess to YHWH His kindness, and His wonders to the sons of men.

16. For He has broken doors of bronze, and He has cut bars of iron.

17. Fools, by means of their transgression, and by their iniquities, afflict themselves.

18. Their soul detests all food, and they come near to the gates of death,

19. And cry to YHWH in their adversity, he saves them from their distresses,

20. He sends His word and heals them, and delivers them from their destructions.

21. They confess to YHWH His kindness, and His wonders to the sons of men,

22. And they sacrifice sacrifices of thanksgiving, and recount His works with singing.

23. Those going down to the sea in ships, doing business in many waters,

24. They have seen the works of YHWH, and His wonders in the deep.

25. And He commands, and appoints a storm, and it lifts up its billows,

26. They go up to the heavens, they go down to the depths, their soul is melted in evil.

27. They reel to and fro, and move as a drunkard, and all their wisdom is swallowed up.

28. And they cry to YHWH in their adversity, and He brings them out from their distresses.

29. He calms a whirlwind, and their billows are hushed.

30. And they rejoice because they are quiet, and He leads them to the haven of their desire.

31. They confess to YHWH His kindness, and His wonders to the sons of men,

32. And they exalt Him in the assembly of the people, and praise Him in the seat of the elderly.

33. He makes rivers become a wilderness, and fountains of waters become dry land.

34. A fruitful land becomes a barren place, for the wickedness of its inhabitants.

35. He makes a wilderness become a pool of water, and a dry land become fountains of waters.

36. And He causes the hungry to dwell there, and they prepare a city of habitation.

37. And they sow fields, and plant vineyards, and they make fruits of increase.

38. And He blesses them, and they multiply exceedingly, and He does not diminish their livestock.

39. And they are diminished, and bow down, by restraint, evil, and sorrow.

40. He is pouring contempt on nobles, and causes them to wander in vacancy—no way.

41. And sets the needy on high from affliction, and places families as a flock.

42. The upright see and rejoice, and all perversity has shut her mouth.

43. Who is wise, and observes these? They understand the kind acts of YHWH!
