
Psalms 115 EASY


1. Lord, you are the one who deserves that people praise you. They should praise only you, not us! Because you love us with a faithful love, and you always do what you have promised.

2. Why should other nations say about us, ‘Where is their God?’

3. We know that our God is in heaven. He does whatever he wants to do.

4. Those people's idols are made from silver and gold. Yes, human hands make them!

5. Each idol has a mouth, but it cannot speak! It has eyes, but it cannot see!

6. It has ears, but it cannot hear! It has a nose, but it cannot smell!

7. It has hands, but it cannot feel anything! It has feet, but it cannot walk! They cannot make a sound!

8. The people that make those idols will become useless like them. The same is true for everyone who trusts their idols to help them.

9. People of Israel, trust in the Lord. He is the one who helps you and keeps you safe.

10. Aaron's family, trust in the Lord. He is the one who helps you and keeps you safe.

11. Everyone who serves the Lord, trust in the Lord. He is the one who helps you and keeps you safe.

12. The Lord will remember us, and he will bless us. He will bless Israel's people. He will bless Aaron's family.

13. He will bless everybody who serves him, whether they are important people or not.

14. I pray that the Lord will give you many children, and your children too!

15. I pray that the Lord will bless you all. He is the one who made the whole universe.

16. The heavens belong to the Lord, but he has given the earth to us people.

17. Dead people cannot praise the Lord. In their graves, they are unable to speak.

18. But we will praise the Lord, now and for ever. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
