
145 LSV


1. A PRAISE SONG OF DAVID. ALEPH-BET I exalt You, my God, O king, and bless Your Name for all time and forever.

2. Every day I bless You, and praise Your Name for all time and forever.

3. YHWH is great, and greatly praised, and there is no searching of His greatness.

4. Generation to generation praises Your works, and they declare Your mighty acts.

5. The majesty, the glory of Your splendor, and the matters of Your wonders, I declare.

6. And they tell of the strength of Your fearful acts, and I recount Your greatness.

7. They send forth the memorial of the abundance of Your goodness. And they sing of Your righteousness.

8. YHWH is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and great in kindness.

9. YHWH is good to all, and His mercies are over all His works.

10. O YHWH, all Your works confess You, and Your saints bless You.

11. They tell of the glory of Your kingdom, and they speak of Your might,

12. To make His mighty acts known to sons of men, the glory of the majesty of His kingdom.

13. Your kingdom is a kingdom of all ages, and Your dominion is in all generations. YHWH is faithful in all His words, and kind in all His works.

14. YHWH is supporting all who are falling, and raising up all who are bowed down.

15. The eyes of all look to You, and You are giving their food to them in its season,

16. Opening Your hand, and satisfying the desire of every living thing.

17. YHWH is righteous in all His ways, and kind in all His works.

18. YHWH is near to all those calling Him, to all who call Him in truth.

19. He does the desire of those fearing Him, and He hears their cry, and saves them.

20. YHWH preserves all those loving Him, and He destroys all the wicked.

21. My mouth speaks the praise of YHWH, and all flesh blesses His Holy Name, for all time and forever!
