
Psalms 42 EASY


1. God, I need you so much! I look for you, as a thirsty deer looks for streams of water.

2. Deep down inside me, I am very thirsty! You are the God who lives for ever, and I need life from you! When will I be able to come near to you and see you face to face?

3. All day and all night I weep. My tears are my only food! My enemies say to me all the time, ‘Where is your God?’

4. When I remember how my life was before, I am very upset and I weep. Once I walked with a big crowd of people to worship God in his temple. I led the people there as we sang happy songs, and we praised God with loud voices.

5. Now I ask myself, ‘Why am I so sad and upset?’ I must wait patiently for God to help me. Then I will praise my God once again, because he is the one who saves me.

6. Deep inside me I am very sad. So I will turn to you, my God, from where I am. I will pray to you from Hermon mountain where the Jordan River begins, and from Mizar mountain.

7. I hear your waterfalls make a noise like thunder. It seems like all that water is pouring over me and it knocks me down to the ground.

8. Each day, the Lord shows me that he loves me with his faithful love. Each night he gives me a song to sing, as I pray to the God who lives for ever.

9. I say to God, who is my high rock, ‘Why have you forgotten me? Why must I be so sad? How much longer must I continue to weep, because my enemies do cruel things to me?’

10. My enemies laugh at me all the time. It is like they are breaking all my bones. They are always saying, ‘Where is your God?’

11. I ask myself again, ‘Why am I so sad and upset?’ I must wait patiently for God to help me. Then I will praise my God once again, because he is the one who saves me.
