
Psalms 5 EASY


1. Lord, listen to what I say to you. I am upset, so think about what I am saying.

2. My King and my God, listen to my voice. I am asking you to help me. I am praying to you!

3. Lord, every morning you listen to my voice. At sunrise I will turn to you for help, and I will wait for you to answer.

4. My God, you do not like anything that is bad. Evil people cannot live near you.

5. Proud people cannot stand in front of you. God, you hate everyone who does evil things.

6. You destroy those who tell lies. The Lord hates murderers, and those who deceive others.

7. But I will come into your house, because of your faithful love. I will bend low in your holy temple, and I will worship you.

8. Lord, help me to follow your right way. My enemies are waiting to attack me. Show the right way clearly to me, so that I do not go the wrong way.

9. My enemies never speak what is true. They only want to destroy people. Their mouth has the smell of an open grave. Their tongues say nice things, but they are all lies!

10. God, say that they are guilty! Let their own wicked ideas bring punishment to them. Send them away because they do so many bad things. Yes, they have turned against you.

11. Please make people who turn to you happy. Make them always sing with joy, because you keep them safe. Take care of those who are faithful to you. Then they will be really happy.

12. Lord, you bless those who live in a right way. Your love is like a shield that keeps them safe.
