
86 LSV


1. A PRAYER OF DAVID. Incline, O YHWH, Your ear, answer me, for I am poor and needy.

2. Keep my soul, for I am pious, save Your servant who is trusting to You, O You, my God.

3. Favor me, O Lord, for I call to You all the day.

4. Make glad the soul of Your servant, for to You, O Lord, I lift up my soul.

5. For You, Lord, are good and forgiving, and abundant in kindness to all calling You.

6. Hear, O YHWH, my prayer, and attend to the voice of my supplications.

7. In a day of my distress I call You, for You answer me.

8. There is none like You among the gods, O Lord, and like Your works there are none.

9. All nations that You have made come and bow themselves before You, O Lord, and give honor to Your Name.

10. For You are great, and doing wonders, you are God alone.

11. Show me, O YHWH, Your way, i walk in Your truth, my heart rejoices to fear Your Name.

12. I confess You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and I honor Your Name for all time.

13. For Your kindness is great toward me, and You have delivered my soul from the lowest Sheol.

14. O God, the proud have risen up against me, and a company of the terrible sought my soul, and have not placed You before them,

15. And You, O Lord, are God, merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in kindness and truth.

16. Look to me, and favor me, give Your strength to Your servant, and give salvation to a son of Your handmaid.

17. Do with me a sign for good, and those hating me see and are ashamed, for You, O YHWH, have helped me, indeed, You have comforted me!
