
1 Samuel 1:9-13

1 Samuel 1:9

One time when they had finished eating and drinking in Shiloh, Hannah got up and went to the Temple. Eli the priest was sitting on his seat by the entrance to the Lord's Temple.

1 Samuel 1:10

She was terribly upset, and prayed to the Lord as she cried and cried.

1 Samuel 1:11

She made a vow, asking, “Lord Almighty, if only you would pay attention to the suffering of your servant and remember me, and not forget me but give me a son, then I will dedicate him to the Lord for his whole life, and no razor shall ever touch his head.”

1 Samuel 1:12

As Hannah went on praying before the Lord, Eli watched her mouth.

1 Samuel 1:13

Hannah was praying in her head, and though her lips were moving, her voice made no sound. Eli thought she must be drunk.