
1 Timothy 1:13-17

1 Timothy 1:13

Even though I used to insult God, and persecuted and abused God's people, God showed me mercy because of my ignorance and unbelief.

1 Timothy 1:14

Our Lord in his grace filled me to overflowing with trust and love that comes from Christ Jesus.

1 Timothy 1:15

You can trust this saying that everyone should accept: “Christ Jesus came to this world to save sinners,” and I'm the worst of them.

1 Timothy 1:16

For this reason I was shown mercy—since I'm the worst sinner, Jesus Christ could demonstrate his infinite patience as an example to those who choose to trust in him and gain eternal life.

1 Timothy 1:17

Honor and glory forever and ever to the eternal King, the immortal, invisible, and only God! Amen.