
1 Timothy 1:6-10

1 Timothy 1:6

Some have deviated from these things, and have ended up talking nonsense.

1 Timothy 1:7

They have ambitions to be teachers of the law, but they have no idea what they're talking about or what they're so boldly announcing!

1 Timothy 1:8

Now we recognize that the law is good if people use it properly.

1 Timothy 1:9

We also know that law isn't laid down for those who do what is good and right, but for those who are rebellious and ignore the law. It applies to people who have no use for God, who are sinful, who treat nothing as holy and are completely irreligious. It's for those who kill fathers and mothers, for murderers,

1 Timothy 1:10

for those who are sexually immoral, homosexuals, kidnappers, liars, false witnesses—and anything else that's opposed to good teachings