
2 Kings 1:4-8

2 Kings 1:4

So this is the Lord's answer: ‘You will not leave the bed on which you are lying. You're definitely going to die.’” And Elijah left.

2 Kings 1:5

The messengers returned to the king, and he asked them, “Why have you come back?”

2 Kings 1:6

“A man came and met us,” they replied. “He told us, ‘Go back to the king who sent you, and tell him, This is what the Lord says: Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are sending to ask advice from Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron? As a result you will not leave the bed on which you are lying. You're definitely going to die.’”

2 Kings 1:7

“What was he like, this man who met you and told you all this?” the king asked.

2 Kings 1:8

“He was a hairy man wearing a leather belt around his waist,” they replied. “It's Elijah the Tishbite,” said the king.