
2 Kings 1:4-8

2 Kings 1:4

and therefore, thus said Jehovah, The bed whither thou hast gone up, thou dost not come down from it, for thou dost certainly die;' and Elijah goeth on.

2 Kings 1:5

And the messengers turn back unto him, and he saith unto them, 'What is this — ye have turned back!'

2 Kings 1:6

And they say unto him, 'A man hath come up to meet us, and saith unto us, Go, turn back unto the king who sent you, and ye have said unto him, Thus said Jehovah, Is it because there is not a God in Israel — thou art sending to inquire of Baal-Zebub god of Ekron? therefore, the bed whither thou hast gone up, thou dost not come down from it, for thou dost certainly die.'

2 Kings 1:7

And he saith unto them, 'What is the fashion of the man who hath come up to meet you, and speaketh unto you these words?'

2 Kings 1:8

And they say unto him, 'A man — hairy, and a girdle of skin girt about his loins;' and he saith, 'He is Elijah the Tishbite.'