
2 Kings 22:2-6

2 Kings 22:2

Josiah did what the Lord said was right. He lived as his ancestor David had lived, and he did not stop doing what was right.

2 Kings 22:3

In Josiah’s eighteenth year as king, he sent Shaphan to the Temple of the Lord. Shaphan son of Azaliah, the son of Meshullam, was the royal secretary. Josiah said,

2 Kings 22:4

“Go up to Hilkiah the high priest, and have him empty out the money the gatekeepers have gathered from the people. This is the money they have brought into the Temple of the Lord.

2 Kings 22:5

Have him give the money to the supervisors of the work on the Temple of the Lord. They must pay the workers who repair the Temple of the Lord—

2 Kings 22:6

the carpenters, builders, and bricklayers. Also use the money to buy timber and cut stone to repair the Temple.