
2 Kings 22:7-11

2 Kings 22:7

Howebeit, let no rekoning bee made with them of the money, that is deliuered into their hand: for they deale faithfully.

2 Kings 22:8

And Hilkiah the high Priest sayde vnto Shaphan the chanceller, I haue found the booke of the Lawe in the house of the Lord: and Hilkiah gaue the booke to Shaphan, and hee reade it.

2 Kings 22:9

So Shaphan the chanceller came to ye King, and brought him word againe, and saide, Thy seruants haue gathered the money, that was found in the house, and haue deliuered it vnto the hands of them that doe the worke, and haue the ouersight of the house of the Lord.

2 Kings 22:10

Also Shaphan the chanceller shewed the King saying, Hilkiah the Priest hath deliuered me a booke. And Shaphan read it before the King.

2 Kings 22:11

And when the King had heard the wordes of the booke of the Law, he rent his clothes.