
2 Kings 22:7-11

2 Kings 22:7

only, the silver that is given into their hand is not reckoned with them, for they are dealing in faithfulness.”

2 Kings 22:8

And Hilkiah the high priest says to Shaphan the scribe, “I have found the Scroll of the Law in the house of YHWH”; and Hilkiah gives the scroll to Shaphan, and he reads it.

2 Kings 22:9

And Shaphan the scribe comes to the king, and brings the king back word, and says, “Your servants have poured out the silver that has been found in the house, and give it into the hand of those doing the work, the inspectors, in the house of YHWH.”

2 Kings 22:10

And Shaphan the scribe declares to the king, saying, “Hilkiah the priest has given a scroll to me”; and Shaphan reads it before the king.

2 Kings 22:11

And it comes to pass, at the king’s hearing the words of the Scroll of the Law, that he tears his garments,