
2 Peter 1:17-21

2 Peter 1:17

He received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice of majestic glory spoke to him and announced, “This is my Son, the one I love, and who truly pleases me.”

2 Peter 1:18

We ourselves heard this voice speak from heaven when we were with him on the holy mountain.

2 Peter 1:19

We also have the confirming word of prophecy that's absolutely trustworthy, and you will benefit from paying close attention to it. It's like a lamp that shines in a dark place until the day dawns, and the morning star shines to illuminate your minds.

2 Peter 1:20

Most of all you should realize that no prophecy of scripture is a matter for interpretation based on the whims of an individual,

2 Peter 1:21

for no prophecy originated in human ideas, but prophets spoke for God as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.