
2 Timothy 1:4-8

2 Timothy 1:4

I remember how you cried, and I so want to see you! That would make me really happy.

2 Timothy 1:5

I keep in mind your sincere trust in God, the same trust that your grandmother Lois and mother Eunice also had—and I know that same trust continues in you.

2 Timothy 1:6

That's why I want to remind you to revitalize God's gracious gift to you which you received when I placed my hands on you.

2 Timothy 1:7

God didn't give us a spirit that makes us fearful, but a spirit of power and love and good sense.

2 Timothy 1:8

So don't be ashamed to tell others about our Lord, or be ashamed of me. Instead be ready to share in suffering for the good news as God gives you strength.