
Exodus 1:16-20

Exodus 1:16

He told them, “When you assist the Hebrew women during childbirth, if you see it's a boy, kill him; but if it's a girl, let her live.”

Exodus 1:17

But because the midwives revered God, they didn't do what the king of Egypt had ordered. They let the boys live as well.

Exodus 1:18

The king of Egypt called the midwives in and demanded to know, “Why have you done this— letting the male children live?”

Exodus 1:19

“Hebrew women aren't like Egyptian women,” the midwives told Pharaoh. “They give birth more easily—they have them before we midwives arrive.”

Exodus 1:20

God treated the midwives well, and the people increased in number so there were even more of them.