
Ezekiel 26:14-18

Ezekiel 26:14

And I have given you up for a clear place of a rock, you are a spreading-place of nets, you are not built up anymore, for I, YHWH, have spoken,” a declaration of Lord YHWH.

Ezekiel 26:15

Thus said Lord YHWH to Tyre: “Do not—from the noise of your fall, in the groaning of the wounded, in the slaying of the slaughter in your midst—The islands shake?

Ezekiel 26:16

And all princes of the sea have come down from off their thrones, and they have turned their robes aside, and strip off their embroidered garments, they put on trembling, they sit on the earth, and they have trembled every moment, and they have been astonished at you,

Ezekiel 26:17

And have lifted up a lamentation for you, and said to you: How you have perished, that are inhabited from the seas, the praised city, that was strong in the sea, she and her inhabitants, who put their terror on all her inhabitants!

Ezekiel 26:18

Now the islands tremble on the day of your fall; The islands that are in the sea have been troubled at your outgoing.”