
Ezekiel 27:17-21

Ezekiel 27:17

They of Iudah and of the land of Israel were thy marchants: they brought for thy marchandise wheat of Minnith, and Pannag, and honie and oyle, and balme.

Ezekiel 27:18

They of Damascus were thy marchants in ye multitude of thy wares, for the multitude of all riches, as in the wine of Helbon and white wooll.

Ezekiel 27:19

They of Dan also and of Iauan, going to and from, occupied in thy faires: yron woorke, cassia and calamus were among thy marchandise.

Ezekiel 27:20

They of Dedan were thy marchants in precious clothes for the charets.

Ezekiel 27:21

They of Arabia, and all the princes of Kedar occupied with thee, in lambes, and rammes and goates: in these were they thy marchants.