
Ezekiel 27:19-23

Ezekiel 27:19

Dan and Javan go about with your wares, they have given shining iron, cassia, and cane, it has been in your merchandise.

Ezekiel 27:20

Dedan is your merchant, for clothes of freedom for riding.

Ezekiel 27:21

Arabia, and all princes of Kedar, they are the traders of your hand, for lambs, and rams, and male goats, in these your merchants.

Ezekiel 27:22

Merchants of Sheba and Raamah—they are your merchants, they have given the chief of all spices, and every precious stone, and gold for your wares.

Ezekiel 27:23

Haran, and Canneh, and Eden, merchants of Sheba, Asshur—Chilmad—are your merchants,