
Ezekiel 27:27-31

Ezekiel 27:27

Your wealth, merchandise, and goods, your sailors and captains, those who repair your leaks, those who barter for your goods, and all the warriors on board, with all the other people within you, sink into the heart of the sea on the day of your downfall.

Ezekiel 27:28

“‘The countryside shakes at the sound of your sailors’ cries.

Ezekiel 27:29

All the oarsmen disembark from their ships. The sailors and all the captains of the sea stand on the shore.

Ezekiel 27:30

Because of you, they raise their voices and cry out bitterly. They throw dust on their heads; they roll in ashes.

Ezekiel 27:31

They shave their heads because of you and wrap themselves in sackcloth. They weep over you with deep anguish and bitter mourning.