
Ezekiel 27:30-34

Ezekiel 27:30

Because of you, they raise their voices and cry out bitterly. They throw dust on their heads; they roll in ashes.

Ezekiel 27:31

They shave their heads because of you and wrap themselves in sackcloth. They weep over you with deep anguish and bitter mourning.

Ezekiel 27:32

“‘In their wailing they lament for you, mourning over you: “Who was like Tyre, silenced in the middle of the sea?

Ezekiel 27:33

When your merchandise was unloaded from the seas, you satisfied many peoples. You enriched the kings of the earth with your abundant wealth and goods.

Ezekiel 27:34

Now you are wrecked by the sea in the depths of the waters; your goods and the people within you have gone down.