
Ezekiel 27:30-34

Ezekiel 27:30

They will be very sad about you. They will cry, throw dust on their heads, and roll in ashes.

Ezekiel 27:31

They will shave their heads for you. They will put on sackcloth. They will cry for you like someone crying for someone who died.

Ezekiel 27:32

“‘And in their loud crying they will sing this sad song about you: “‘No one is like Tyre! Tyre is destroyed, in the middle of the sea!

Ezekiel 27:33

Your merchants sailed across the seas. You satisfied many people with your great wealth and the things you sold. You made the kings of the earth rich!

Ezekiel 27:34

But now you are broken by the seas and by the deep waters. All the things you sell and all your people have fallen.