
Ezekiel 27:31-35

Ezekiel 27:31

“Also they will shave themselves bald for you And put on sackcloth; And they will weep for you in bitterness of soul With bitter mourning.

Ezekiel 27:32

“Moreover, in their wailing they will take up a song of mourning for you And sing a song of mourning over you: ‘Who is like Tyre, Like her who is silent in the midst of the sea?

Ezekiel 27:33

‘When your merchandise went out from the seas, You satisfied many peoples; With the abundance of your wealth and your merchandise You enriched the kings of the earth.

Ezekiel 27:34

‘Now that you are broken by the seas In the depths of the waters, Your merchandise and all your company Have fallen in the midst of you.

Ezekiel 27:35

‘All the inhabitants of the coastlands Are appalled at you, And their kings are horribly afraid; They have a troubled look.