
Ezekiel 27:6-10

Ezekiel 27:6

They used oak trees from Bashan to make your oars. They used pine trees from Cyprus to make the cabin on your deck. They decorated that shelter with ivory.

Ezekiel 27:7

For your sail, they used colorful linen made in Egypt. That sail was your flag. The coverings over your cabin were blue and purple. They came from the coast of Cyprus.

Ezekiel 27:8

Men from Sidon and Arvad rowed your boats for you. Tyre, your wise men were the pilots on your ships.

Ezekiel 27:9

The elders and wise men from Byblos were on board to help put caulking between the boards on your ship. All the ships of the sea and their sailors came to trade and do business with you.

Ezekiel 27:10

“‘Men from Persia, Lud, and Put were in your army. They were your men of war who hung their shields and helmets on your walls. They brought honor and glory to your city.