
Ezekiel 28:10-14

Ezekiel 28:10

Thou shalt die the death of the vncircumcised by the hands of stragers: for I haue spoken it, sayth the Lord God.

Ezekiel 28:11

Moreouer the word of the Lord came vnto me, saying,

Ezekiel 28:12

Sonne of man, take vp a lamentation vpon the King of Tyrus, and say vnto him, Thus sayeth the Lord God, Thou sealest vp the summe, and art full of wisedome and perfite in beautie.

Ezekiel 28:13

Thou hast ben in Eden the garden of God: euery precious stone was in thy garment, the rubie, the topaze and the diamonde, the chrysolite, the onix, and the iasper, the saphir, emeraude, and the carbuncle and golde: the woorkemanship of thy timbrels, and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.

Ezekiel 28:14

Thou art the anointed Cherub, that couereth, and I haue set thee in honour: thou wast vpon the holy mountaine of God: thou hast walked in the middes of the stones of fire.