
Ezekiel 28:16-20

Ezekiel 28:16

By the multitude of thy marchandise, they haue filled the middes of thee with crueltie, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as prophane out of the mountaine of God: and I will destroy thee, O couering Cherub from the mids of the stones of fire.

Ezekiel 28:17

Thine heart was lifted vp because of thy beautie, and thou hast corrupted thy wisedome by reason of thy brightnes: I wil cast thee to ye grounde: I will lay thee before Kinges that they may beholde thee.

Ezekiel 28:18

Thou hast defiled thy sanctification by the multitude of thine iniquities, and by the iniquitie of thy marchandise: therefore wil I bring forth a fire from the mids of thee, which shall deuoure thee: and I wil bring thee to ashes vpon the earth, in the sight of all them that beholde thee.

Ezekiel 28:19

All they that knowe thee among the people, shalbe astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terrour, and neuer shalt thou be any more.

Ezekiel 28:20

Againe, the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying,