
Ezekiel 28:6-10

Ezekiel 28:6

Therefore thus sayeth the Lord God, Because thou didest thinke in thine heart, that thou wast equall with God,

Ezekiel 28:7

Behold, therefore I wil bring strangers vpon thee, euen the terrible nations: and they shall drawe their swordes against the beautie of thy wisedome, and they shall defile thy brightnes.

Ezekiel 28:8

They shall cast thee downe to the pit, and thou shalt die the death of them, that are slaine in the middes of the sea.

Ezekiel 28:9

Wilt thou say then before him, that slayeth thee, I am a god? but thou shalt be a man, and no God, in the hands of him that slayeth thee.

Ezekiel 28:10

Thou shalt die the death of the vncircumcised by the hands of stragers: for I haue spoken it, sayth the Lord God.