
Isaiah 1:3-7

Isaiah 1:3

An ox knows its owner, and a donkey knows its feeding trough; but my people don't know me, they don't understand me.

Isaiah 1:4

What a sinful nation—a people carrying such a load of guilt, an evil generation, corrupt children! They have abandoned the Lord. They have despised Israel's Holy One. They have become strangers. They have gone backwards.

Isaiah 1:5

Are you wanting to be punished? Are you going to continue to rebel? The whole of your head is damaged, and your heart is totally giving out.

Isaiah 1:6

You're injured from head to toe, bruised and sore, with open wounds that haven't been cleaned or bandaged or treated with olive oil.

Isaiah 1:7

Your country has been devastated, your towns burned down, your fields stripped bare by foreigners right in front of you, as they turn it all into a wasteland.