
Luke 4:23-27

Luke 4:23

Jesus said to them, “I know that you will tell me the old saying: ‘Doctor, heal yourself.’ You want to say, ‘We heard about the things you did in Capernaum. Do those things here in your own town!’ ”

Luke 4:24

Then Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, a prophet is not accepted in his hometown.

Luke 4:25

But I tell you the truth, there were many widows in Israel during the time of Elijah. It did not rain in Israel for three and one-half years, and there was no food anywhere in the whole country.

Luke 4:26

But Elijah was sent to none of those widows, only to a widow in Zarephath, a town in Sidon.

Luke 4:27

And there were many with skin diseases living in Israel during the time of the prophet Elisha. But none of them were healed, only Naaman, who was from the country of Syria.”