
Luke 4:24-28

Luke 4:24

I tell you this: People do not accept a prophet of God who comes from their own town.

Luke 4:25

What I tell you is true. There were many widows in the country of Israel when Elijah was alive. At that time, it did not rain for three and a half years. So people were very hungry in all the country.

Luke 4:26

But God did not send Elijah to help a widow in Israel. Instead, God sent Elijah to the country called Sidon. There he helped a widow in a place called Zarephath.

Luke 4:27

Here is another example: When God's prophet Elisha was alive, there were many people in Israel with a bad disease of the skin. But God did not make any of them well. Instead, he made a man well who was from the country called Syria. That man was called Naaman.’

Luke 4:28

The people in the meeting place heard what Jesus said. They became very angry.