
Luke 4:31-35

Luke 4:31

And came downe into Capernaum a citie of Galile, and there taught them on the Sabbath dayes.

Luke 4:32

And they were astonied at his doctrine: for his worde was with authoritie.

Luke 4:33

And in the Synagogue there was a man which had a spirit of an vncleane deuill, which cryed with a loude voyce,

Luke 4:34

Saying, Oh, what haue we to doe with thee, thou Iesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy vs? I know who thou art, euen the holy one of God.

Luke 4:35

And Iesus rebuked him, saying, Holde thy peace, and come out of him. Then the deuill throwing him in the middes of them, came out of him, and hurt him nothing at all.