
Luke 4:36-40

Luke 4:36

So feare came on them all, and they spake among themselues, saying, What thing is this: for with authoritie and power he commaundeth the foule spirits, and they come out?

Luke 4:37

And ye fame of him spred abroad throughout all the places of the countrey round about.

Luke 4:38

And he rose vp, and came out of the Synagogue, and entred into Simons house. And Simons wiues mother was taken with a great feuer, and they required him for her.

Luke 4:39

Then he stoode ouer her, and rebuked the feuer, and it left her, and immediatly she arose, and ministred vnto them.

Luke 4:40

Now at the sunne setting, all they that had sicke folkes of diuers diseases, brought them vnto him, and he layd his hands on euery one of them, and healed them.