
Luke 5:14-18

Luke 5:14

And He charged him to tell no one, “But having gone away, show yourself to the priest, and bring near for your cleansing according as Moses directed, for a testimony to them”;

Luke 5:15

but the more was the report going abroad concerning Him, and great multitudes were coming together to hear, and to be healed by Him of their sicknesses,

Luke 5:16

and He was withdrawing Himself in the desolate places and was praying.

Luke 5:17

And it came to pass, on one of the days, that He was teaching, and there were sitting by Pharisees and teachers of the Law, who were come out of every village of Galilee, and Judea, and Jerusalem, and the power of the LORD was—to heal them.

Luke 5:18

And behold, men carrying a man on a bed, who has been struck with palsy, and they were seeking to bring him in, and to place before Him,