
Luke 5:20-24

Luke 5:20

Jesus saw them. He knew that they believed in him. So he said to the sick man, ‘My friend, I forgive you for the wrong things that you have done.’

Luke 5:21

The Pharisees and the teachers of God's Law were there. They heard what Jesus said. So they began to think among themselves, ‘Who is this man? He is speaking as if he is God. Only God can forgive people for the wrong things that they have done.’

Luke 5:22

Jesus knew what these men were thinking. He told them, ‘You should not be thinking these things.

Luke 5:23

I said to this man, “I forgive you for the wrong things that you have done.” Instead, I could have said to him, “Stand up and walk.” Which one is easier for me to say?

Luke 5:24

But I want you to know this. I, the Son of Man, have authority here on earth. I can forgive people for the wrong things that they have done.’ Then he said to the man who could not walk, ‘I am saying to you, “Stand up. Pick up your mat and go home!” ’