
Philippians 1:24-28

Philippians 1:24

and yet to remain physically here is more important as far you're concerned.

Philippians 1:25

Since I'm absolutely sure of this, I know that I'll stay here, remaining with you all to help you as your trust and delight in God grows,

Philippians 1:26

so that when I see you again your praise to Christ Jesus may be even greater because of me.

Philippians 1:27

Just be sure that the way you live your lives corresponds to the good news of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or not I can get to hear how you're doing—that you stand firm in full agreement with one another, spiritually united as you work together for the trusting faith of the good news.

Philippians 1:28

Don't let your enemies scare you. By being brave you will demonstrate to them that they will be lost, but that God himself will save you.