
Romans 1:16-20

Romans 1:16

I'm certainly not ashamed about the good news, for it's God's power to save everyone who trusts in him—to the Jewish people first, and then to everyone else as well.

Romans 1:17

For in the good news God is revealed as good and right, trustworthy from start to finish. As Scripture says, “Those who are right with God live by trusting him.”

Romans 1:18

God's hostility is revealed from heaven against those who are godless and who are not morally right, those who suppress the truth through the evil that they do.

Romans 1:19

What can be known about God is obvious, because he has made it very clear to them.

Romans 1:20

Ever since the creation of the world, the invisible aspects of God—his eternal power and divinity—are clearly visible in what he has made. Such people have no excuse,