
Romans 1:28-32

Romans 1:28

Since they didn't consider it worthwhile to get to know God, he abandoned them to their worthless, distrustful way of thinking, doing things that should never be done.

Romans 1:29

They filled themselves with all that's wrong: evil, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malice, and gossip.

Romans 1:30

They're back-stabbers and God-haters. They're arrogant, proud, and boastful. They devise new ways of sinning. They rebel against their parents.

Romans 1:31

They don't want to understand, they don't keep their promises, they don't show any kindness or compassion.

Romans 1:32

Even though they realize exactly what God requires, they do things that deserve death. Not only do they do such things themselves, they also support others in doing them.