
Song of Solomon 1:2-6

Song of Solomon 1:2

Kiss me, kiss me with your mouth again and again, for your love is sweeter than wine.

Song of Solomon 1:3

I love the way you smell from the perfumed oils you use. You have quite a reputation—it spreads like spilled perfumed oil. It's not surprising that all the young women adore you!

Song of Solomon 1:4

Take me by the hand—let's run! (The king has brought me to his bedroom.) Let's be happy together and find pleasure in your love. Your love is far better than wine! Women are right to adore you so!

Song of Solomon 1:5

I'm black, but I'm beautiful, women of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar, like the curtains of Solomon.

Song of Solomon 1:6

Don't look down on me because I'm black, because the sun has burned me. My brothers were angry with me and made me look after the vineyards, so I couldn't look after my own vineyard.