Old Testament
Historical Books
New Testament
Pauline Epistles
Version Information
Publisher: Literal Standard Bible, a CC BY-SA translation by Covenant Press, official publisher of the CCC
Literal Standard Bible (LSV)
The Literal Standard Version (LSV) is a Modern English translation of the Bible with several distinctive features. It describes itself as the most literal translation of the Bible into the modern English language. The first edition was published on February 2, 2020. Work on the Literal Standard Version began in early 2018, with the completion of the first edition shortly before its February 2020 publication. U.S. copyright was obtained in January 2020, but the LSV was released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license (CC BY-SA). The open-ended licensing allows English distribution and translation to be done commercially and non-commercially by other publishers and organizations as long as sufficient attribution is included. The translation team made the digital version freely available shortly after release. The LSV became available on eBook platforms such as Kindle, Nook, and Kobo in May 2020. As expounded in the preface, the translators have defined their translation philosophy as follows: "The goal of any good translation is to produce a readable text that preserves the original autographic meaning and comes as close as possible to translating, word-for-word, manuscripts that accurately represent the original writings."Copyright Info
Copyright © 2020 Covenant Press
Language: English
Dialect: American
Contributor: Covenant Press
The Literal Standard Version of the Holy Bible is a registered copyright of Covenant Press and the Covenant Christian Coalition (© 2020). Covenant Press is soliciting partnerships with Bible publishers interested in the LSV project. For queries about partnering, email the translation team at covenantpress@ccc.one. To learn more, visit lsvbible.com.
The purpose behind the LSV is to provide readers with a modern, easy-to-read, literal, and accurate translation of the Bible that is free to read, distribute, and translate from. We pray that God will use the LSV to illuminate the hearts and minds of multitudes with the good news that His Son Jesus Christ came in the flesh, died for our sins as a substitutionary sacrifice, rose bodily from the dead, and is coming back again.
This translation is made available to you under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license 4.0.
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Note that in addition to the rules above, revising and adapting God's Word involves a great responsibility to be true to God's Word. See Revelation 22:18-19.